Short Circuit Evaluation of Java's Boolean Operators

The && and || operators are short circuit operators. A short circuit operator is one that doesn't necessarily evaluate all of its operands. Take, for example, the operator &&. What happens when Java executes the following code?

if  (0  ==  1  &&  2  +  2  ==  4)  {

out.println("This  line  won't  be  printed.");


You might expect Java to ask itself if 0 equals 1, and then ask if 2 + 2 equals 4. But with Java's && operator, that's not what happens. Instead, Java does the following:

Evaluate 0  ==  1, discovering that 0  ==  1 is false.

Realize that the condition (0 == 1 && whatever) can't possibly be true, no matter what the whatever condition happens to be.

Return false (without bothering to check if 2  +  2  ==  4).

The condition (0 == 1 && whatever) has to be false, because 0 == 1 is false. (Remember, the && operator wants both conditions, on its left and right sides, to be true.)

So when Java finds the value on the left side of an && operator to be false, then Java gives up and declares the entire expression to be false. That's called short circuit expression evaluation. The same kind of thing happens with the || operator (another short circuit operator) when the value on the operator's left side is true.
if  (2  +  2  ==  4  ||  0  ==  1)  {

out.println("This  line  will  be  printed.");

Here's how Java's || operator behaves when it encounters this code: Evaluate 2 + 2 == 4, discovering that 2 + 2 == 4 is true.

Realize that the condition (2 + 2 == 4 || whatever) must be true, no matter what the whatever condition happens to be.

Return true (without bothering to check if 0  ==  1).

The condition (2 + 2 == 4 || whatever) has to be true, because 2 + 2 == 4 is true. (Remember, the || operator wants either condition, on its left or right side or on both sides, to be true.)

So when Java finds the value on the left side of an || operator to be true, then Java declares the entire expression to be true.

Java's && and || operators use short circuit evaluation. Java's & and | operators also test for the "and" and "or" conditions, but these & and | operators don't do short circuit evaluation. In other words, when Java encounters the following code, Java checks to see if 0 == 1 is true and then, before giving its final answer, checks to see if 2 + 2 == 4 is true.

import static java.lang.System.out;

public class OperatorEvalDemo {

 public static void main(String args[]) {
  new OperatorEvalDemo();


 OperatorEvalDemo() {

  if (0 == 1 && 2 + 2 == 4) {

   out.println("(0 == 1 && 2 + 2 == 4) is true");
  } else {

   out.println("(0  ==  1  &&  2  +  2  ==  4)  is  false");



  if (2 + 2 == 4 || 0 == 1) {

   out.println("(2 + 2 == 4 || 0 == 1) is true");
  } else {

   out.println("(2  +  2  ==  4  ||  0  ==  1)  is  false");



  if (isFalse() && isTrue()) {

   out.println("(isFalse() && isTrue()) is true");
  } else {

   out.println("(isFalse()  &&  isTrue())  is  false");



  if (isFalse() & isTrue()) {
   out.println("(isFalse() & isTrue()) is true");

  } else {

   out.println("(isFalse()  &  isTrue())  is  false");



  if (isTrue() || isFalse()) {

   out.println("(isTrue() || isFalse()) is true");
  } else {

   out.println("(isTrue()  ||  isFalse())  is  false");



  if (isTrue() | isFalse()) {

   out.println("(isTrue() | isFalse()) is true");
  } else {

   out.println("(isTrue()  |  isFalse())  is  false");



 boolean isTrue() {
  out.println("Executing isTrue");
  return true;


 boolean isFalse() {
  out.println("Executing isFalse");
  return false;



Output :

(0  ==  1  &&  2  +  2  ==  4)  is  false

(2  +  2  ==  4  ||  0  ==  1)  is  true

Executing  isFalse

(isFalse()  &&  isTrue())  is  false

Executing  isFalse

Executing  isTrue

(isFalse()  &  isTrue())  is  false

Executing  isTrue

(isTrue()  ||  isFalse())  is  true

Executing  isTrue

Executing  isFalse

(isTrue()  |  isFalse())  is  truea

Notice, for example, what happens with the && operator. Java displays Executing isFalse. But then Java doesn't display Executing isTrue because the && operator does short circuit evaluation. On the other hand, Java displays both Executing isFalse and Executing isTrue for the & operator, because the & operator doesn't do short circuit evaluation.

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