New Released Java 7 features

Java 7 features      

Java 7 is the seventh major release of the Java language, runtime and compiler. Marketing people and book authors refer to it as Java 7. Technical people call it Java 1.7. It has a number of new features, most minor tweakings to the Java syntax.

  • You can use understores in numeric literals to break them up to make them more readable and proofreadable. The compiler ignores them.
  • The diamond operator means you can often leave out generic types on the right hand side. They are infered from the left hand side.
  • You can use Strings as case labels.
  • You can use a single catch to handle several exceptions.
  • You can treat a zip file as if it were a directory tree.
  • Resources that implement java.lang.AutoCloseable can be automatically closed no matter what by declaring them in the try statement.
  • NIO now handles symbolic links and works more consistently across OSes.
  • WatchService lets you be notified if someone changes a directory or file.
  • ForkJoinPool makes it easier to spread the workload over several cores.
  • The JVM now has features to support dynamically typed languages.
  • Support for Unicode 6
  • binary literals
  • No longer need CODEBASE in JNLP
  • Support for SSL/TLS 1.2
  • You can emebed the entire JNLP file in the HTML Applet tag, Base-64 encoded.
  • Enhanced java.util.Currency to handle international currencies using ISO 4217 codes

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