Why to use Hibernate?

Overview of Hibernate :
  • Open Source light-weight ORM solution 
  • Doesn’t require container (light-weight) 
  • Object based model 
  • Transparent solutions 
  • It is around from quite some time 
  • Very well matured and adopted by a large developer community 
Object Persistence :
  • Saving objects for future use 
  • Storage could be a File system, RDBMS etc 
  • Today’s popular data storage systems are RDBMS 
  • Objects are not directly mapped to RDBMS tables 
ORM - Object Relational Mapping – New solution :
  • Persists Objects in a Relational Database 
  • Transparent solution; underlying tables are hidden  from classes 
  • Support CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations 
  • Provides RDBMS Vendor independence 
Why Hibernate? 
  • Hibernate is built on top of JDBC
  • Hibernate was introduced to address the issues of Entity Beans 
  • Hibernate is built on top of JNDI, JDBC, JTA It uses XML based configuration files for mapping 
  • Supports many databases like Sybase, Oracle, MySQL, other Object Oriented Databases etc. 
  • Easy migration from one vendor database to another 
  • Hibernate generates the JDBC Code based on the underlying vendor database 
  • Hibernate APIs are very simple to learn and use 
  • Provides quite powerful object query language known as    Hibernate Query Language (HQL) 


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